Am I Automatically Going To Jail Because I Violated My Felony Probation?
If you are on probation, it is important that you take it seriously. That being said, we understand that sometimes things happen. If you have violated your probation after a felony charge, you need experienced representation. The Law Offices of Thomas T. Overton has helped clients throughout Tennessee for almost 30 years.
Understanding Your Rights
It is important to note that you do not have the same rights and protections when you violate your probation. For example, you have no right to a bond or a speedy trial. Your probation officer has the authority to take you to jail immediately without a signed warrant. Police officers can also do this if they are investigating you for other crimes. Occasionally, a summons will be issued instead of going right to jail. This means you avoid jail, but you must show up to court on the date that is listed.
For the court to determine that you are guilty of violating your probation, they must find you willful and substantial, based on the evidence presented. Being found willful means that you intentionally violated your probation, or did nothing to prevent it. Substantial means that it impacted your probation in a meaningful way. The state will present their case and you have the right to defend yourself. This is where we can help.
Don’t Face This Alone; Call Today
Violating your probation can lead to serious consequences. We are here to negotiate on your behalf and find you best the best possible solution. Call our Nashville office today at 615-953-8796 or fill out our contact form.