Both real-life and fictional (read television shows and movies) portrayals focused upon criminal defense matters often center on court room scenes, with accompanying emphasis on the complexities and drama that sometimes unfold in select cases involving defendants.
And while such a spotlight certainly spells a valid and quite central theme in many criminal law matters, trials alone should not be routinely overemphasized; in fact, most criminal cases never reach a point where litigation ensues before a jury and under the watchful eye of a judge.
Although practiced litigators are of course well versed in their trial acumen and strategies, it is competence across a wide spectrum of criminal law-related subject matter that fundamentally sets apart deeply seasoned practitioners in their professional field.
We prominently note that on a page of our website at the Nashville Law Offices of Thomas T. Overton underscoring the importance of strong defense advocacy at bond hearings and with regard to post-conviction matters such as parole violations and criminal record expungement.
Indeed, it is strong representation in such outside-of-trial matters that is often of overriding importance for an individual charged with or convicted of a criminal offense.
An attorney with proven effectiveness in helping clients seek and post bond can often secure a result that keeps a person out of jail pending trial. And strong advocacy rendered a convicted individual facing a charge of parole violation can make a material difference in a “second chance or back to jail” outcome. For some individuals, too, the importance of having a criminal record erased or sealed cannot be overstated in terms of its future implications.
As we note on our site, a proven defense attorney renders critically important assistance to a client over the “long haul” and “every step of the way” during that individual’s formal interaction with criminal justice authorities.
Understandably, experienced attorneys take deep pride in doing so.