A recent national news focus on the federal government's civil asset forfeiture program states that its main objective "is to disrupt and dismantle criminal enterprises." By all indications, though, what special IRS agents seem to be most excelling as is not...
Seasoned and Aggressive Legal Representation
Month: April 2017
Reserving judgment in domestic abuse cases until they’re proven
Here's a clear reality underscoring prosecutorial misconduct in a criminal case in Tennessee or elsewhere: there is no upside for an innocently accused party. And that obviously applies across the entire spectrum of alleged criminal conduct, although it can easily be...
Viewpoint: White collar crime sentencing often misses the mark
The writer of a recent opinion letter inked for a national media publication would likely nod in instant agreement with comments we prominently make on our criminal defense website at the long-established Law Offices of Thomas T. Overton in Nashville. We note therein...
Implied consent in Tennessee: what does it mean for me?
Once arrested for suspected drunk driving, you have already agreed to submit to a chemical test -- whether you realize it or not. By applying for and receiving a driver's license in the state of Tennessee, you have agreed to a test of your breath, blood or urine if...
Do you care if law enforcers know where you bank and shop?
Historically, Americans have collectively been more than a bit protective in safeguarding what they regard as fundamental personal liberties. Put this way: It's not the state's business where you go to church -- or even if you go at all. No law enforcer should ever...